Thursday, September 4, 2014

Emergency Changes?

September 4, 2014

Hey everyone......

Well this weeek was fulllllll of changes haha. There have been some small problems in the mission and we have been doing a ton of emergency changes. We've done 7 now in these 2 weeks which is CRAZY! It has been fun though. We are getting to know each other really well in the car and hanging out with the other missionaries. I have really come to love them lately. It has been good for me.

Just working hard as usual. We have had a ton of divisions lately. I'm trying to work with all the elders from my group that I can in this change just so I can see how each one of us has grown. It is pretty sick. I love all those guys from my group!

We have a couple families that are progressing right now. Familia A ( They went to church this week and we are looking to baptize them on the 21st! Also with the V family, we are fighting with them so that they can get baptized! It is such an awesome family and we are getting serious so they get it done! Also Familia Y they are getting ready right now also for the 21st! There was some emergencies with the mother in law and they had to go out of town but when they come back, they'll be wet!!!

I'm just trying to throw it down. I made it a goal to not get into the house in the night without sweating my butt off. I like to sweat so much that it gets into my eyes and burns my eyes haha it's a little weird but it makes me feel good with the limited hours that we have to work.

I love you all so much! Thank you all so much for your support and everythign that you do for me! HAve a great week!!!!! 

Thursday, August 28, 2014


August 28, 2014

Well hey eveyone....

Sorry my emails get crappier and crappier. I am trying so hard to remember what is going on haha.

This week was so crazy. We had changes and that was so crazy. We always have a ton of stuff to do for that. On tuesday night we were in the office till 2 getting everything ready for changes and had to wake up at 4 to get all the noobs ready for the meeting. Talk about running on fumes. I was not even baggy seeing Elder Finch's mom..... soooo okay fine I was totally baggy. But it's all good. Then the next day we had to take them all the the airport in the morning to get them off. Super weird haha.

So this week we have literally been around the whole mission. We have done 4 emergency changes in the last 3 days and had two days of splits with the zone leaders. I have driven like 24 hours this week haha. It is fun but it is super tiring. But me and Elder Oseguera are having a ton of fun. It is weird without Elder Finch, but we're getting along haha. We ran into him a bunch of times killing it with his mom. It didn't even make me baggy don't worry....

If you haven't gone out on your missions, DON'T LEAVE UNLESS YOU'RE WORTHY!!! Man I have seen so many cases with missionaries that don't come out worthy and they just end up going home. Other than costing the church a ton of money that could be used for other stuff, it just sucks to have to go home and try to explain what's going on. It is so much better to just talk to the bishop and take care of the things that you have to take care of and wait and then get out! Don't do it!!

Going up to Sololá yesterday, we went to eat with the P family for lunch. It was soooo sick. I love going to El Tejar haha. There is something so special about that place! We just called them going up and they were like "yeah come on up!" Sick family. Such a blessing to be able to get to know so many people.

Elder Whitaker went home last week which was super weird. He entered the mission with me. It made me feel super old. I love that guy so much!

Man I'm loving it right now. I love the mission. I love these people so much. Thank you for everything you do for me! Have a good week! I LOVE YOU!!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY HANK!!!!!!! Sickest 9 year old everrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 22, 2014

guat's up

August 22, 2014

Well Elder Finch is officially gone..... SO WEIRD!!!!

Things are going to be different around here haha. But we are going to have a great change and I am going to work my butt off! The goal for this change is baptize 12 people! I know that we are going to do it! 

Changes were so crazy haha. We were up the night before getting everything ready to do until 2 and we had to wake up at 4 to get everything ready for the morning haha it was insane and we were more than tired! But it was a fun night. It was sooooooo weird seeing Elder Finch's mom. But it was really cool for him. 

Elder Hernandez is the new secretary, which is awesome! Me and Elder Oseguera are together solos right now, so we'll see how that goes! Should be awesome.
We have a lot of investigators progressing right now. The Lord is blessing us a lot. We are working hard and the Lord is picking up the slack. I love it here. I'm so sorry that my emails are sucking so bad haha. I just don't remember anything at all. My mind is turning to mush. So when I get home, we can just read my journal! I love you so much! Thank you so much for everything you do. Let me know if there's anything you need from here! LOVE YOU!!!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2014


August 16, 2014

Hey I love you......

Well we got it done.

We had a fun week this week haha. We had zone conferences that were so BOMB! We talked about obedience which was super awesome.

My birthday was soooo great! 

Today for P-day we went to El Tejar with President because he wanted to make brick. We went up there and I was able to see all of the loved ones over there. I was sooooo baggy. Man I love that place! I'll send pictures.

SOOOOOOO WEIRD to think that toda la mara is home (brody, Parker, Chris, Haden) I can't even imagine that haha. That make me so baggy. Gus is soooo tall too. 

I have nothing to say. I am so sorry. I promise I will tell you more cool stuff when it isn't 11:30 and I remember. It was soooo sick to go up to the Tejar. Tons of miracles are happening. We have another 2 baptisms tomorrow!!!! C and A. It is going to be a great sunday. One of my investigators that I worked with really hard in Prados is getting baptized and we are going to be able to go up and see it. I'm stoked for tomorrow! I will send you pics.

Also I got a sick flattop haircut just for Elder Finch because he goes home in 4 days!!!!!!!! SWWEEETTTT. LOVE YOU!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


August 6, 2014

Hi everyone.....

1.  What sad day does Finch go home?  

He bounces on the 20th! He will be up there for my homecoming haha and if he's not, he's told me that I can kill him
2.  Any chance Luis could get taught and baptized when we go down?  What would need to happen? 

He would have to go to church 3 times before and all of the charlas. We will see what we can do. I think that we are going to go and make bricks with president and I will see if we can pass by.  

3.  Tell us about your mission travels.  It would be fun for me to hear where you have been.  We had to leave the country a few times to get Fe de edades.  Do you have to do that?

No we can't do that. Now if they want that stuff from other countries, they have to go do it themselves. We did have to go down to Tiquisate (super far zone) and drop off some money to the elders that had gotten robbed hard core. It was sooooo awesome. It was actually super funny because they saw the guy take stuff out of the  house and they just stood there with their mouths open. We jsut have a lot of late night runs to the office and to do stuff around the mission and that is sick!

We had a siiiiiiiiiick experience last night with President Duncan (the President of the area) and it was me and Elder Finch, The assistants from the east mission and the sister trainer leaders from the south mission were invited to a metting at the CCM to answer questions from the youngins. One of the most spiritual things that I've done in my whole mission. Man it was SSSOOOOO COOOLLL!!! It was a great time there. The CCM is soooo different from what it was when I was there. The coolest thing that happened was that at the first of the meeting I just had a thought how cool it would be to see someone that I knew, as we finished the meeting, a tall skinny Elder came up to me and said, "Are you Gabe Hanson's brother?" I looked down at his name tag and saw that it said "Elder Dunshee". Chad Dunshee! Gabe's young friend. Man it was so cool. He just thanked me for my testimony and it was the coolest thing ever. A little miracle/tender mercy. Then we had to take the sisters from the South mission home in the truck which was a little interesting hahha but it was an awesome night. Super super memorable.

We baptized this weekend! C got baptized and it was so cool. In all the pictures she wanted us to bend down because she is soooooo short! She is 28 years old and looks like she is 18 haha. She is such an awesome girl. 

Highlight of the week! Tomorrow we are going to the temple with the most chosen person that I've ever known in my life, A! She is so happy. Me and Elder Hernandez baptized her and he son in El Carmen and now the rest of their family has gotten baptized pretty much. She is a single mom and she is the most awesome lady ever. It is going to be an awesome thing to go totomorrow! I'm seriously so stoked!!!!!!!!

I don't really remember anything that happened this week. But is was a great one. I love you all so much and am so thankful for you and what you do for me! I'll send pictures of my suit next email! I just haven't taken any of the suit yet! I love you!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

What's up youuuuu??

August 1, 2014

Hi everyone.....
Well this week was absolutely crazy! We have been soooo busy and all over the mission and I love it!
Dad I love the itinerary but we need to sneak some time to go to Prados and to my area right now, we'll find some time because it is all super close to each other and there are a couple families in every area. The day of changes I don't know what we are going to do exactly but it won't be a day for us to go do what we want, we are just in President's house and are with all of the missionaries that go home. But it is looking super bomb and President is supre stoked haha. You have to find Marvin Gomez!
We had a great week this week. We baptized D and V and it was a great baptismal service. They were so happy and it was so great to see them make this covenant with our Heavenly Father that makes it so they will be able to open the doors to heaven. We will baptize this Sunday also, a girl named C. She's sooo sick haha. We've got some good investigators. My goal is to baptize every single sunday until I go home. WE GON DO IT!!!!
This huge family of 8 native Guatemalans went to church on sunday!!!! Theya re the funniest people  in the whole world. They loved it so much and they are looking to be baptized on the 10 or the 17. Man they are so awesome. WE GON BAPTIZE THEM!!!!
That is so awesome that you got to go to President's thing. Man I learned so much from them. They were the biggest flechones that I have ever met in my life. I will never forget the things that they taught to me in groups and personally. I love them.
I got the other package with my credit card and a crap tone more of candy! Loved it! Thank you so much for that. Sorry for making it such a hassle haha. I promise I didn't mean it! If you could, try and put some money on to the card for the suit.  Love you!
It surprisingly wasn't a huge weight with Gabe's death anniversary this yesterday. I don't know what it is but I just feel like the fact that I'm in the mission keeps me super protected. That's one of the biggest reasons that I am scared to go home, I just don't know  how I'm going to react to Gabe not being there. Not excited for that.
We just finished helping President with the changes for the mission. Super cool process. The Spirit is super strong with those kinds of things. You just kind of do it and it works. Super cool privilege.
Man I love it out here. It's the best place in the world. The people are so awesome. The missionaries are the best (no argument). President is the best. Man I am so blessed haha. Saber porque. I love you all. Thank you so much for all that you do! This is true!!! ba pues MUCHĂ‚
Sorry my letters suck. My mind is turning into mush and I don't remember anything haha. LOVE YOU!!!!
 Dropping one of my CCM buddies off at the airport...... weird haha WHAAAAATTTTTTT 2 months from today..... baggy? NEVER!!!!

Dropping one of my CCM buddies off at the airport...... weird haha WHAAAAATTTTTTT 2 months from today..... baggy? NEVER!!!!

Saturday, July 19, 2014


July 19, 2014

heyyyyy everyone.....

Well this week has been sooooooo crazy. I honestly don't know or remember if I already wrote you this week haha. But if I already did, who cares right?

We have been going super hard this week with interviews and we were all over the whole mission. We went to Antigua, Tiquisate, Chimaltenango, Villa Hermosa and El Frutal to go and give blessings to all of the missionaries with President which was really cool. I love being with all the other missionaries and trying to get to know them a little bit better. i feel like I don't know anyone because everyone that I knew, already went home haha. It was a great time.

I've been learning a lot from President Markham and Hermana Markham. I love one thing that President always says "It doesn't matter what happens to you, just how you deal with it." I love that. I feel like I've tried to live that during my whole mission. We can't control our circumstances but we can control how we react! It's been such a blessing to be able to kill it with President. I love just feeling like we can be ourselves with him. He's so hilarious and we have the blessing to learn a lot from him.

We went to the temple this morning with one of Elder Finch's converts and it was the sickest thing ever. They got their endowments out and they got sealed! It was so awesome and so dang baggy. We are super spiritualy drained right now haha. It was one of the best days that I had had in the temple in my whole life. The Spirit was super strong and me and Elder Finch talked about some really awesome stuff. Great day in the temple. President always teaches us to take as much as we can from the temple and take it into our lives. It was ssswwweeeetttttt.

Tomorrow we are going to baptize a girl named D. She has been an investigator forever and she has finally decided to be baptized! That is going to be awesome for her tomorrow. Her parents hate the church a lot and when her older sister got baptized a little while back, they kicked her out of the house and didn't let her come back for a long time. It was crazy! That will be good for tomorrow.

My testimony is growing every day. We are learning so many things that are making us more and more sure about what we are doing and that what we are doing is true. I love it so much. I know that it is all true. I know it without a doubt. It is crazy how one comes into the mission with a little bit of a shaky testimony and as the time goes by and how we grow in every single way.

I've been driving a lot lately and I love it haha. The drivers suck so bad here. It's not at all like it is iin the states. They love to honk. So if I get back honking at every single person that even comes within 20 feet of me, don't freak out. 

We have interviews all this week too. We have not gotten a lot of sleep and we haven't worked a ton, but the miracles in the mission just keep coming. It's such a blessing to be able to work in El Carmen and find people that weren't ready when i was first there and to see how they have changed and how they are looking more and more ready to accept this Gospel. I love it here. i love my companions and I love being with President. I couldn't think of a better situation to be able to finish it off. Oh and we're going to baptize like crazy this change.... I LOVE GUATEMALA!!!!

I love you so much!! Thank you for everything that you do for me! I love you. Thank you. Jesus.

Well These are some pictures of this past week and our adventures!

Temple with the boys


Killin it in Mono Loco with some crazy nachos