May 28, 2013
Hi Everyone.....
Here are the answers to your questions:
Do all the office elders belong to your zone? Yeah they are all in our zone. We have a lot of contact with the AP's and that is good.
Where does President Brough live? He lives in zona 9 and that's where the office is. It's in the south mission.
Who are your DL's and zonie's? My district leader is a freaking stud. I've got a story later about him. Elder Grigg from Idaho and Elder Santos from Honduras are my Zone leaders Both studs.
How many months does Castro have? He has 3 months. FRESH MEAT LOL
How much teaching are you doing? We went HARRRRRDDDDDD this week and had 70 lessons hahaha. I will work to see miracles. It's the only way.
Who are your investigators? Right now we have Milton, Iris, Ericka and nancy, Andrea and Karen, Elias. And I think that's about it for right now
Are you getting to know the cap a little bit? No not really but it's awesome that I found peanut butter...
How is your meal situation? GREAT! I love eggs and tortillas and our cocinera is amazing.
Do you live with other elders? Nope
Do you live in your area or bus to it? We live right in it.
1. Describe your apartment. Maybe even send some pics.... It's super small but is way nicer that the one that I had in Sipa Flow.
2. Describe your companion. A pic would be nice
3. Do you have a cook? How is she? SHE IS AMAZING. The food is so good
4. Do you have a maid? Like a maid to wash the clothes? yeah. It's the lady that cooks too!
This week was CRAZYYYYY!!!!!! I've just been super determined to work really hard and leave the rest up the the Lord. I'm just trying to do all I can do and leave the rest in the Lord's hands. If I do that, I'll continue to see miracles here.
We had a baptism this week again and that was awesome yet again. I am amazed by the fact that the feelings in a baptism never change. You always feel just straight amazing. This kids name is Erick and he is the biggest stud ever. He's 12 years old and just always goes super hard. His Spirit is amazing and he always is happy and when we found him, he was just ready to hear this gospel. Now we are working with the whole family! One side note that I wanted to add for my boi Ben Haacke, Our convert that was baptized this last week, came to church representing a tall T of my boi Biggie Smalls....hahahaha Only in Guatemala.
I'm really trying to learn to follow the Spirit. It's something that I really have never gotten used to doind and it's something that as a missionary, we need to learn how to do. That's something that I really am going to focus on this week and the next little bit.
I love this area even though I just kill myself every day working here and literally running up and down huge hills all day. There are so many strong members here that love to help up and it is just so nice to be able to actually have a good support system.
My companion is doing good. At least he likes to work hard. We are really working well together right now and I'm super thankful for him and his good attitude.
It's crazy to think that the kids are almost out of school and are going into summer break already. I feel like the time is going by so dang fast! It's nice but at the same time it's weird to think about. Soon enough I'll have a year in the mission and then I'll be home. I don't really like to think about it haha.
My district leader is named Elder Hansen haha and he's from Idaho and has a little more than a year in the mission and is a total stud. We were in church (there are 4 companionships in the ward of missionaries) and he took my plaque and saw that on the back I had the Gabe stickers. He asked me what they were for and I told him about all of it. He then told me that he lost his sister like 7 years ago and his older brother about 10 years ago. It's weird when we find someone that has been through what we've been though because they actually understand what's going on for us. He just looked at me and smiled and told me ''We know where they are dude.'' It's cool how our Heavenly Father puts these people in our paths in the life.
I'm happy to be here and even though I'm a little bit cold and a little bit sick, I'm loving it. Keep praying for my investigators! We need some miracles! Super blessed to be here in this country serving my Lord. I love you all so much! Have a great week! LOLOLOL :/
Love, Elder Hanson
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