Hi everyone.....
Here go the questions....
Questions (that really are questions):
1. When does Pres. Markham report for duty? Is it the end of July? President Brough leaves on June 1st. Which makes me want to cry haha. I had a good talk with him the other day and I don't want him to leave haha. President Markham will be good though.
2. Did you order your suit? Yeah I got it ordered. It's SOOOOOOOO SICK. We will see when it gets done hahaha estos chapines....
3. Do you think you will get a change sometime down the road, or finish in Prados? I bet I'll have one more change before the change. Hope to go to the coast. But I would love to stay here in this area until the end. I like it a lot here.
Well this week was another awesome week. We seem to be walking more and looking for more investigators more and more tired every day, but we are seeing the miracles from it. It was very rewarding to see 3 of God's children be baptized this Sunday. We got it done!!
We got a new video that we are now able to use with the investigators and converts here called "Because of Him" I imagine that you've all seen it but it is soooooooooo great. So strong about our Savior. I just sat there and was sooo amazed at what it said and the scriptures and the pictures and videos. I loved it all soo much. It is so great to know and realize that because of Him, we have all that we have, Physical and temporal. He loves us so much. As he took the beatings, all there were was love. I can't even fathom what he suffered. I love him and that's why I'm here. That's why I work hard.
It was a hard month in April as we all thought it would be. In the mission leader meeting we saw what happened. We repented and we will do it better this month. We baptized 11 in the zone this weekend and we have like 10 more for this weekend. It's looking good for us right now.
We have a wedding/baptism for this weekend. Her name is Sofia and she's super great. Just needs to get her wedding on and it's alllllll gooooooooodddddd..
So weird that mother's day phone call is this week haha. It's going to be cool to see how it turns out. There are going to be soooooo many missionaries crying like little baby girls. I can't wait!!!!!!! WHOOOOOO!O!!!!!!
We had zone training today and it was about focusing on the Spirit a little more and not relying upon our own strength. I feel like that is one of our biggest faults as human beings. It's amazing how the Spirit can guide us. He guides us without us even knowing that he is guiding us. We jsut end up in a door or talking to someone without it even crossing our mind and there is a chosen one. SOOO cool.
Love you guys!! Thank you soooo much for everything that you do for me and all the prayers and support.!!!!! HAve a great week!!!!
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